The fall not only seems to bring the cold weather, but it also seems to bring on the never-ending list of special occasions where treats take front and center! Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter with lots of birthdays sprinkled in there too means a never-ending amount of sweets, treats, and snack foods. Considered either as […]
How to Make the Most of Family Meals

In my post The Importance of Family Meals I shared the reasons to consider making family meals a priority. As a mom, I know and have hosted some disastrous family dinner parties with my three boys. Temper tantrums, food refusals, tears, yelling and early dismissals. To help make family meal times fun, including boundaries and […]
The Importance of Family Meals

The importance of Family Meals can’t be overstated. When it was just my husband and I we often ate dinner in front of the television. When our first child came along it was our priority to start having family meals at the table which grew from the three of us to our family of five […]
Starting Solids E-Mail Series

LEARN HOW TO: Feed your baby based on their individual abilities Identify the various ways to feed your baby Be responsive to their feeding cues (hunger & fullness) Challenge their skills for healthy development Choose foods based on the nutrients to support growth & development Starting Solids E-Mail Series * indicates required Email Address * […]
Welcome 2019!

I have never been so excited for a new year than to welcome 2019. This past year had its challenges with the last 4 months still fresh in my mind on the personal growth I have experienced. I have been breaking down some personal barriers and starting this year feeling fresh, motivated and full of […]
Book Review: A Parents’ Guide to Baby-Led Weaning

I am very excited to share with you this book review of A Parents’ Guide to Baby-Led Weaning written by fellow Canadian registered dietitian Jennifer House MSc. RD. Jennifer has taken the time to adapt really important concepts into an easy to read book presented in small bite sized pieces. All new moms know that […]
7 School Safe Lunch Mains for the Freezer

When packing school lunches in the morning I first look to repurpose leftovers from supper; use meat (chicken, beef, pork) in a wrap or sandwich, using leftover pasta, rice or quinoa by adding vegetables and a dressing to make a cold salad or making a hot lunch by putting soup, pasta or casseroles into a […]
School Safe Granola Bar Recipe Round Up

When it comes to packing school lunches and trying to decide on snacks the granola bar is one of the first snack ideas that comes to mind. Granola bars are convenient, portable and have tasty ingredients mixed together making them a perfect snack option. While there are many convenient pre-packaged options available in grocery stores […]
Packing Apples for School Lunches

With apple season starting and back to packing school lunches I have had some questions about how to pack an apple in a school lunch without it turning brown. I decided to put all of the tried and tested ideas together in one post for easy reference. Why Does an Apple Turn Brown after Cutting? […]
Four Basic Steps to Packing a School Lunch

The School Year is Here! Whether you are a parent with years of experience packing a lunch for your school age child or you are a parent packing daily lunches for the first time here is a post to help I’m calling my Four Basic Steps to Packing a School Lunch. If you’ve read my […]