The fall not only seems to bring the cold weather, but it also seems to bring on the never-ending list of special occasions where treats take front and center! Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter with lots of birthdays sprinkled in there too means a never-ending amount of sweets, treats, and snack foods. Considered either as […]
Healthy Eating
How to Make the Most of Family Meals

In my post The Importance of Family Meals I shared the reasons to consider making family meals a priority. As a mom, I know and have hosted some disastrous family dinner parties with my three boys. Temper tantrums, food refusals, tears, yelling and early dismissals. To help make family meal times fun, including boundaries and […]
The Importance of Family Meals

The importance of Family Meals can’t be overstated. When it was just my husband and I we often ate dinner in front of the television. When our first child came along it was our priority to start having family meals at the table which grew from the three of us to our family of five […]
Welcome 2019!

I have never been so excited for a new year than to welcome 2019. This past year had its challenges with the last 4 months still fresh in my mind on the personal growth I have experienced. I have been breaking down some personal barriers and starting this year feeling fresh, motivated and full of […]
Parents Guide to Bento Boxes for School Lunches

With school only a few weeks away you may have not made your final decision about which lunch box is right for your kid(s). When I first started my research last year I considered a number of items and the unique challenges our then 3-4 year old would encounter in his first year of full […]
Top 3 Reasons to Love Bento Boxes for School

The new school year is approaching and friends and family have reached out to get my opinion on choosing a lunch box and lunch ideas. Last year our first son started kindergarten and after lots of research I knew I wanted a bento style lunch box. I thought I would share in a blog series […]
Quick School Lunch Prep Ideas for Kids

We have all been there. Woke up late, lunches not packed the night before and kids moving slower than usual (or not at all!). Add in making the lunches allergy friendly for the school environment and this leaves you wishing for some creative last minute ideas for the lunchbox. So far we feel like we […]
Easy Healthy Family Crockpot Meals for 2017

New Year, New Blog Only a few days into 2017, kids home from school and it seems like a good time to Take Chances, Get Messy and Make Mistakes. Our kids might have received the entire season of Magic School Bus DVDs at Christmas so if that line seems familiar now you know where you […]
Our Five Family Foundations of Healthy Eating

Could you describe five simple elements that represent your family’s eating values? If so, what would they include? I believe that every family has a different approach when making food choices and one of the great ways to improve how we eat is to identify what we do well and what our challenges are. I […]