I have never been so excited for a new year than to welcome 2019. This past year had its challenges with the last 4 months still fresh in my mind on the personal growth I have experienced. I have been breaking down some personal barriers and starting this year feeling fresh, motivated and full of joy. I think 2018 will be remembered for the investment I made in myself and the personal growth that I have experienced!
This year my word of the year is Presence where I hope to strive towards being mindful of the moments that I have to spend time with my husband and children (now 2, almost 4, and 6 years old). As a dietitian I hope to connect with more clients and taking time to be productive to accomplish tasks I set out to complete. Being present also means putting the phone away more, which can be a daily struggle in this tech era but something I really strive to model for my children.
This year I hope to bring you all more consistency with posts, pictures and credible nutrition information for feeding your family and share the ups and downs of feeding my family. I am trying my best to continue to keep it real for you all and share more of my parenting journey as a mom and dietitian.
With feeding my family we are trying to reduce our food waste with incorporating backyard composting (since our city doesn’t have composting) and moving towards family style meals. As a working mom and even as a dietitian I continue to struggle with meal planning. So I hope to bring you all the resources and experience I have with my journey making meal planning a priority this year. Share any tips you might have or success you have had with meal planning. I love to hear what you feel works for your family!
Stay tuned for more info and projects I am working on! If you have any questions or concerns or any topic you want to learn more about or want more insight into how I manage the mom + dietitian life, let me know! I am always open to more suggestions!
I hope a new year offers you the time to reflect on what is most important to you! I wish you all a year filled with health, happiness and love!